Wahhhhhh... Who has been changing the blog template?? So hardworking! Nice nice... :D

It's crunch time now!

Okay anyway! I'm gonna do a review on Solitaire Showdown. What? It's a simple game with simple rules? Yeahhh that's why it's one of the best games ever?! I used to play this back in poly whenever I didn't wanna do work, hurhur. Anyway I'm pretty sure most of you have tried playing it on a pc-based live msn messenger.

As I'm using a mac now, I cannot play this game anymore unfortunately :( So all images in this post are taken online.

So... Solitaire Showdown! What's up with this game?

Wokays... so basically SS (short for Solitaire Showdown) is an online game.
It is played on msn live messenger.
It has to be played with another msn user.
The game is simple - everyone has played Solitaire before right?
This is just an extended version of it.

What do you need to do in this game?
1) While competing with another msn chat user and following the standard Solitaire rules**, a player needs to fight with time also to complete his/her stack of cards.

** Standard rules of Solitaire ** - Firstly, you need to arrange a random stack of cards in a manner that the colours are stacked alternately (black red black red) with addition that the cards are arranged in descending order (King, Queen, Jack, 10s,........ Aces).

Finally, you need to rearrange all these into an ascending order of 4 piles of the same symbols - Spades, Diamonds, Hearts & Clubs. Once you've stacked all the cards into these 4 symbols, you've completed the game.

2) However, in SS, the 4 symbol-piles that you need to arrange them in are shared between you and your competitor.

3) Therefore it is a race against time to see who can fill up the next spot faster, which clears your pile of cards faster as well.

4) Once that spot is filled by a player, the other player will not have the chance to put the same card there. He/she will need to find another slot to place their card.

5) Both players are able to view each others' cards from an overhead point of view.

6) In one corner, there is stack of cards that holds 13 random cards.

7) The objective is to clear that stack of cards.

8) The first to finish their stack of cards wins!


HMMMMMM okay personally I think this game is freaking addictive.
Maybe I didn't have any life back then.
But I would kill to get to play Solitaire Showdown on a mac's live messenger, I'M SERIOUS.
In fact, I would pay for them to integrate this!!!!!!!

What factors contribute to this game being addictive?

1) Playability & Interaction - This game invites you to compete with other players and it's not only other people, it's people who you know which are on msn. The interaction in the game is compelling as you and the other player race against time and compete with each others' skills to finish your stack of cards faster.

2) Simple Concept & Familiarity - As Solitaire has been played by mostly everyone, this game introduces only a few new elements and rules which add on to the complexity of the game. Not too much though. Just nice!

3) Competition - As you are competing with a fellow chat mate, topping the charts become quite a priority as the statistics are public and everyone is able to check out who is the king/queen of SS. (ehem ME)

Bad points of SS??

The only bad point I can find is that - THERE'S NO SOLITAIRE SHOWDOWN FOR MAC MESSENGER?! WHY WHY WHY?!?!?!??!

Oh, and that it's highly addictive once you get the hang of the game.
But I'm sure that's a good thing right.

Easy? Medium? Hard?

I'd say it's fairly easy.
Solitaire is a very familiar game to everyone.
Solitaire Showdown has added elements to make the game more interesting.

Elements like:

The time factor that has a new twist: instead of timing how fast you complete your own stack, the clock now is your competitor.

The final piles that are shared between you and your competitor, therefore allowing interaction.

So that's it!

I believe people who have played it before would think that it's a very fun game!

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