Don't Shit Your Pants - TIMOTHY TAN

Don't Shit Your Pants

This is a parser-based adventure game similar to that of King's Quest, or Space Quest, but it really really short. I completed the game in less than 5 minutes. But this is one of the funniest game I've played in a while.

The objective of the game is not to shit your pants. You play a bald guy who has a bladder problem, and desperately needs your help to go to the toilet. It is really simple, really easy to play. Like an old school text adventure, players have to type in simple commands for him to follow, for instance, 'sit', 'cry', 'open door', 'look up', etc. How the programmers solve the problem of unlimited probabilities and combinations of words is by a text parser, meaning they simplify inputs from the player into something the computer can understand. So 'take' and 'get' are actually the same word, 'retrieve'.

I like this game because of a few reasons. It has been a really long time since I've played a text adventure game (though I wouldn't consider this as a true blue text adventure). The absurdity of this game is something which I've never before. Really really hilarious to play a game that helps someone to get to the toilet.

The graphics are great, reminds me of old school Hugo House of Horrors, King's Quest-esque games I used to enjoy playing eons ago. It matches well with the old-school vibe they are trying to create. Sounds are VGA-ish.

Another reason why I like about this game, is that even though it is really short, replay value is high, at least 9 times. This is done through the usage of the stereotypical 'achievements' system that has manifested itself in most games. There are 9 types of awards you can get that ranges in difficult in attaining them  (I use this term here very lightly). Most games today use the achievements in the same manner: once your character have leveled up to a certain degree, or gained a new spell, or went to a secret area, you will be notified of attaining so-and-so award. The overall game, however, still continues on a linear basis. This game makes use of its different endings to dish our achievements. Even though there is technically only two ways of completing the game (you either shit in your pants, or don't), the game allows for the different modes of completion (different ways of shitting in your pants).

This game made me laugh out loud, which is a VERY rare thing for me to do while playing games. With that in mind, I recommend you all to try it. Sometimes the simplest games are the most fun.

Rating: 8.5/10

This is the intro screen.

This is the main UI. Nostalgic, huh?

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