Ragnarok online

Ragnarok online

Ragnarok online, one of the top online game for the last many years. Just like many other MMORPG, Ragnarok is a simple type of game with very little narration but involves almost a zillion of things going on. It can be mini quests, jobs, trading, level up, getting items, stealing, etc. Regardless of that, RO is still one of my most favourite online RPG game.

Although Im very bad with online games, I pretty much enjoyed RO. Believe me, all my characters have never reached the 2nd class. It remains as lousy Trader, or MP-les Magician. It sucks, but I like its graphic and animation design, not forgetting characters avatar. 

RO too is the first time Ive ever experienced real-time based events, like Christmas where there will be Santa monsters giving out free candies and sometimes Santa Hat. Then other events like Valentine, etc. Of course these kinds of events are no longer a rare find, as games in facebook and even iPhone are doing the same. 

One of the best feature of RO for me is the landscape design. Setting such as buildings, towns, mountains, etc are very flat. Yes they make use the 2D landscape but as your avatar roams through the XY grids, it becomes XYZ. Likewise, it is almost the first experience to play on such landscape which tricks your eyes and add another dimension just by you playing on it. Not only that, the design are pretty much realistic but consistent with the characters which are a bit cartoonish and animated.

However, one bad thing about MMORPG is the pace of the game. Well, obviously you are playing your own pace, but that when it is offline. When you are online, you are competing with millions of other players. Some worst scenarios are your monster being killed by others and the EXP goes to them. It sucks big time, especially if the monster drops rare items. Not only that, there are people who spend 24/7 infront of their computer, controlling their avatar and giving no mercy to rare monsters for their extremely high rewards. And if you were to compare with yourself, playing at most 10 hours per week ... you know.

Yes, that is about online RPG games for me. Very much fun but when it comes to competing, it kind of difficult to handle. And without competition, any games would be boring.


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