Game Review 02 - siew khim

02 Game review for YellowOut

What is it?

It is a puzzle game of using vehicles. Player is supposed to get the yellow car out of the puzzle full of items like trucks etc. The game has 60 levels and player can play any levels to their own perference. Each level is getting harder and harder to solve with more and more items clutter to block player from getting the yellow car out to the exit.

Is it fun?

Strangely yes!!! The game has a simple objective -To get the yellow car out from the cluttered puzzle. But each level poses the challenge to the player as more items are position strategrically to block YOU from getting the yellow car out from the maze. This game also calculates the number of moves YOU took to complete each level. This poses a challenge to the players as they will think of the shortest number of moves to complete each level. This is because player will gain more score if he complete each level with shortest number of moves.


I would think adding a timer to this game would make this game more "exciting" as player play against the time. Right now, the game does not have a timer, which means player can take their own sweet time solving each level. In addition, i would suggest this game should not have its level "open" to the players. The next level should be "open" to the player only when the player reach the expected score. This will make the game more challenging and it will drive the players to contining playing the game.

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