Game Review 3: Poupee Girl

This is an avatar dress up site which has become the obsession of females interested in fashion or shopping.

The site is @ .

'Poupee' actually means doll in French thus this is somehow a digitalized, more techy version of the paper doll dress up cutouts girls used to play but with wayyy more functions, capabilities and interactions.

I'd consider it a game as members/players are driven to collect enough ribbons, the currency the use, so that they are able to buy items to dress their dolls up.

And how do they get ribbons? By uploading real photos of their clothes, accessories, makeup items etc which will then be voted by other members. So ribbons will be collected from uploading pics, getting votes and selling avatar items... OR even by paying real money.

Sometimes you will find shells at random places such as the doll room and once 5 are found or bought from the marketplace, they can be thrown at the Shell Spring to get a surprise dress up item of varying values.

Poupee Town shows all the places you can visit such as clothes shops, the marketplace where real-time haggling of dress up items occur, cafe where you can see other avatars who are online at the cafe, the amusement (a game where you will control a bird to avoid contact with balloons to win items), Beauty Poupee (kinda like a plastic surgery place where the features of your doll can be modified by paying ribbons), etc.

The front page will show your poupee doll, the list of friends, favorite items, calendar and message updates.

This game allows interaction with other payers so it encourages communication and binds people with similar interests.

There is a daily cute ranking which is updated daily to show the most popular items that received the most number of votes for the day.

An item that received lots of votes.

This is the dress up contest winner for that session. The contest is held at different schedules and contestants compete for votes.

The drawback of this game is that some parts of the website are in Japanese characters and you'll just have to guess what's happening. Even some of the English they use are confusing probably due to direct translation. Some messages by users are in Japanese so you'll have to use a translator generator. However this is understandable considering the origin of the game. And you'll most probably get the hang of the system after some time.

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