Wokaysssss... time for some demolishing work! Time to put yourselves into the shoes of a bangla worker.... Have you felt like destroying buildings?! Then this the game for you.

The objective??

Rubble Trouble is a fun, online, building-basher game with the use of the click alone. Its objective is to bring down each structure on every level so that you'd get enough amount of cash for the next level.

You'll be given different kinds of tools to work with at every succeeding level to make it more interesting. Examples of these are nitro bombs, missiles, canons, helicopters with canon balls and even C-grabbers (you'll have to try it out if you don't know what are C-grabbers)!

Some of the tools have limited use because they are more expensive while some are given at your disposal. If you manage to bring the building down and hit the target amount of cash (each time you destroy a part of the building, you earn $$$), you move on to the next level. If you fail, then time to try again.

WHAT is compelling about this game?

1) Simple and straightforward - No complicated storyline, no mess, just a get-on-with-it game that's easy to understand, easy to relate to and simple to play.

2) Aesthetics - The design of the game is cute and quirky. Characters, background and assets all match up pleasantly with just about enough details. Nothing too extravagant.

3) Rules - The rules in this game are not a lot but not too many either. There's the time factor in which you need to complete each level by a stipulated time (note: timer running on the right). Certain tools can perform only a certain type of task so it doesn't mean you'll win all the time. There's a limitation on each tool. Basically the rules enhance the game play.

4) Level Design - Each level provides you with a suitable amount of challenges. After you proceed on to the next stage, the task escalates gently.


Hmmmmmmm okay lah it's not exactly realistic - the way the buildings are demolished. But I guess it's okay for me! But other than that, it's cool!

Wokays.. moving on... some graphics!


Choose a level. As you can see, I'm on level 9, hehe.

There's also a storyline along the way... and tutorials on how you are supposed to use the tools


If you hover over a certain tool, a brief description will pop up





Once you get enough money, you move on!

Drill tool

Canon tool

Helicopter tool


All in all.... it's a fun game! Go try!


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