Oh yeah, thats right! Who have not played this game must have been a loser of the lowest order! Period.
One of the epic games of all times. Need i say more?? Oh ya i do have to say more, else he who must not be named would unleash hell as u know it.

What is it?
It is a series of fighting games, developed in Japan in which the players pit the video games' competitive fighters from around the world, each with his or her own special moves, against one another.

Street Fighter was the first one-on-one fighting game to give players a choice from a variety of player characters with different moves, an option which created hitherto unknown levels of depth and replay value for an arcade game. Each player character had a fighting style with approximately 30 or more moves (including previously nonexistent grappling moves such as throws) as well as two or three special attacks per character.

In the single-player mode, the player's chosen character is pitted sequentially against the seven other main characters before confronting the final four 'boss' opponents, who were CPU-controlled characters not selectable by the player.

As in the original, a second player could join in at any point during single player mode and compete against the other player in competitive matches, with the multiple available characters allowing for more varied matches.

Why i loved it?
Another such game that i grew up playing with. Yeah, i know i'm a sucker for these old school games. I cant help it. It really reminds me of the good old games. The kick you get from unleashing combos worthy of a guiness record and at the same time garnering an edge against your friends. Forcing his ego down his throat. That kinda moment which makes gaming inevitably one of the most orgasmic things in life.

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