Game Review 01- Treasure Mathstorm

Platform: PC and Mac
Developer: The Learning Company
Release: 1992

This was one of the first education games introduced to me by my primary school. Like any seven year old kid, playing a game on a computer during school hours was already the equivalent of a miracle in 1995.

The story is simple, an evil scientist uses a machine to freeze an entire mountain. Players have to scale up the mountain which is divided into three levels. Each with level have their own challenges- level one is on how to tell the time, level two is on number equalities while the last is on counting and a guard you have to get past by solving his question on number patterns. Along the way there are elves that gives you money or hints whom you can catch by using nets. These nets are perishable items that has to be restocked at a shop. You can use the money to buy parts to help you get up to the next level of the mountain though you can earn them. Getting to the top of the mountain will lead you to the evil scientist who will give you a treasure before sending you back down the mountain to start all over again. Winning the entire game is to collect treasures until you fill up your chest. The game can be played with the option of having evil flying snowball monsters that can attack you. The difficulty of the math problems will rise as the player progresses in the game.

Graphic wise though it may not be as amazing as the visuals found in games nowadays like the Final Fantasy series, the simple graphics and animations were good enough to keep the attention of children below the age of nine to continue playing. The visuals are simply nostalgic to especially those who played these education games in school.

Overall I think it is still a fun game for young children just learning some of the basics of maths. Though given at how children are now more exposed to computer games or any other digital games at young ages, they may not share the same experience as the kids from fifteen years ago.

The gameplay plus ending:

Anyone else played this game before?

Geraldine Ghwee

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