Review on Rockband
By Sarah Ab Kadir

Ok so most of you are looking at this picture and going... WTH SARAH?? YOU'RE STILL PLAYING ROCKBAND? Some off you who have the specific consoles for this game have probably stuffed this under your bed or something, waiting for your friends to come over and then you'll pull it out and show off your bass slapping/ double peddling/ guitar picking or Axl Rose vocal skills or something.
So basically I'll steal Yuniza's idea of breaking down the review into several parts. Here goes.

What is the game about?
It's about being rejected in the real world. Hell yeah!!!! Nono.. ok actually Rockband is a music video game developed by Harmonix Music Systems and published by MTV games Electronic Arts. It allows up to 4 players to simulate the performance of popular rock songs by playing with controllers modelled after musical instruments. These instruments include a mic, 2 guitars(lead/bass) and a drum set. Players have to match the scrolling musical notes to the instruments that they are playing in order to score points.

What makes this game so compelling?
Well this game is for the wannabes. And by saying wannabes(YES YOU TOO...) I mean for those who have always thought that they were musically inclined SOMEHOW... Even for those karaoke bengs and lians. This game is VERY MUCH for you to channel your Sylvester Sim(SGidol1) aura. You can also attempt to mimic certain bands like No Doubt and Nirvana and feel as if you were Gwen Stefani or Kurt Cobain in your after life(that's to come). Basically, you can BE A ROCKSTAR without the extra baggage of suffering the consequences of what real rockstars like Steven Tyler go through... (drugs, women, boozing, etc etc etc). And trust me, once you get the hang of this game, you seriously feel like you can just pop by a local jamming studio and jam like a freakking pro... Though I totally recommend you to seal the glass windows shut in case the manager pops by to see how you're doing..

Is it fun?
This game is far beyond fun. This game is God. Because it makes you feel immortal everytime you hit a perfect 5 stars for matching the notes to every 'strum' on the guitar. You can freakking air jump and act like you are Wes Borland and nobody will laugh at you because you have the power to shut everything off once you fail a game. You don't have to face jeering crowds with frowning and disappointed faces or have tomatoes and cabbages thrown on stage. You can just switch it off in 2 seconds and surf on your rocking bed... Oh You are an aspiring rockstar, therefore you sleep on the cold hard floor.

Is it interesting?
Well it's interesting because there are multiple platforms to this game. Instead of just jamming in multiplayer mode, you can 'go on a tour', or maybe even personalize your dressing/instruments(online)/style/hair/tattoos and whatever... ANOTHER REASON why the game is so great of course. Because you can be whoever you are not, and you're parents won't yell. You can also battle individually or as a band through an online portal that connects your gaming console straight to the internet(if i got that explanation right). This is when the rap breaks down... you can finally show off who is much more geekier. The only thing lacking right now is the webcam that shows you who you're battling with. But thank God for that. Also, you can purchase point cards at gaming shops to which you can redeem them and exchange them(connecting the game through the online portal) for new songs that are released almost every week. This makes sure that the player does not get bored of the game and is constantly practising 'updated' songs...

Is it hard?
The game has 4 difficulty settings.
From what I heard, the drumming scores almost exactly match the REAL drumming scores of some of the songs. So seriously, if you are good in drumming thanks to Rockband, you can probably go and apply as a drummer for Avenged Sevenfold since 'The Rev' has passed on.
The game is SO foolproof because when I started out playing it, I went through the tutorials provided and I breezed through the easy level. The instructions given were clear, precise and not complicated at all. Once you have gotten the hang of it, you would easily slip into Medium. Certain songs are difficult to play because they require more skills (Just like how Metallica is defi more skilled and experienced than Panic at the Disco) therefore you need to keep practising for awhile. Right now, I'm in my transition from Hard to Expert (OK TIME FOR ME TO ACTION HAHAHAHA) so I'm pretty much exuding Slash from Gun's N Roses.

So in a wrap,
1) Easy manual and instructions that lead to pleasant gaming experience.
2) Multiple platforms of gaming therefore game is continuously updated
3) Several instruments to play so that you won't get bored (I started playing in the last quarter of 08' and its early 2010 so yeah!!!)

So yeah if you are keen on forming a band with me please do send a letter to Ms Lilia Contrare, my Rockband manager who will gladly fill you in... Kthnksbye!!!

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