Soosiz: iPhone/iPod Game

This is the most dizzying game I've ever played due to its gravity defying platforms which allows you to literally walk on the underside of the planet. The controls are simple... touch the left/right or jump icons to activate the respective moves. You'll need to collect coins, save 'buddies' and kill enemies by jumping on top of them, pretty much like super mario.

Additional physics in the game includes jumping on a trampoline to get to greater heights and walking on thin vines. Each level begins with three lives and going off platform or not landing anywhere will cost you a life as well as being injured by enemies.

The level design is good with directions to guide you through like arrow sign and you can even click on the magnify icon to zoom out and see where you should be heading. Understandably these are important elements in the game as without them, it could get even more confusing to a point of vomit-inducing dizziness.

Despite the rave reviews, my personal opinion on this game is not so good. Graphics are average, the background music is a bit 'off' as it doesn't match the environment and even the story line about saving the earth is not really felt in the gameplay.

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