Tattoo Artist II: Full Timer!

Ok ok, for alllllll you people who like tattoos but don't want to get one, this game's for you. In this game, you play an accomplished tattoo artist (In Tattoo Artist I, you were just a lowly apprentice) and have a whole bunch of clientele to ink.

The aim of the game is to try to do the most accurate tattoo within the shortest time possible. The customer's satisfaction depends on how long you take, how much pain they're in and the accuracy of the tattoo.

Let's get started! You choose a client, and then read a description of the tattoo that they'd like to get. Each client has a different pain tolerance level. Just like how an actual tattooist pauses every few seconds to allow the client to cope with the pain, you need to pause between each stroke so that their pain meter doesn't shoot up. Some can handle pain better than others, so you don't need that many intervals between each buzz.

Ok lah, my skillzZz are not that refined yet, as you can see from the shaky lines. See that panel at the top of the screen? The nerve meter causes your cursor to shudder randomly just like how your arm would shake when you are tensed up for a long time. The pain meter allows you to gauge how long you can go with one stroke before the client is in too much pain. The customer satisfaction allows you to monitor how awesomely awesome your tattoo is, and the time allows you to keep track of how long you've taken. The progress bar on the right of the screen is also a useful way to see how far along your tattoo's coming. So first, we gotta do the outline of the tattoo....

Thank goodness the computer auto-corrects and neatens your lines once you've completed! I'd never make it a tattoo artist. Now it's time for some colour...

All done! :D

Now if you go back to the main screen and take a look at the same guy, you'd notice that it shows that he's identified as a returning customer and has another design for you to do.

A surprisingly accurate depiction of the process of getting a tattoo! Very well styled. This game allows you to live vicariously as a badass tattooist. 'Nuff said.

Although it looks like an adult version of a colouring book, this game is actually rather difficult. It's hard to keep within the lines, and the random shudders makes turns all your neat lines into fuzzy caterpillars. Also, it sort of becomes rather monotonous after awhile because you're essentially doing the same thing over and over again, just with different designs.

All in all, it was a fun game, but it didn't keep me hooked for too long.

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